Unveil the Past, Shape the Future.

In the search for knowledge and understanding of human history, nothing educates the mind more fully than visits to historical cities and sites. To walk among ruins and monuments lends scale and enables a better envision to the roads which were traveled before.

About Us

Where history
meets innovation

At CodexRomaus, we seek to entice and educate young minds on the richness and complexities of human history through a realistic, immersive, and interactive experience.

Our Mission

forging the future, honoring the past

Our mission is to illuminate the path of human civilization, seamlessly integrating timeless knowledge into modern learning experiences. We are dedicated to crafting educational platforms that intrigue and inspire through gamification.

Our Esteemed Partners

magic media
magic media
magic media
magic media
For Educators

Historical Immersion Captures Imagination

Join us as we embark on a mission to enlighten minds and empower educators and students across the globe.

Canvas Integration

Familiar LMS facilitates seamless onboarding.

Interactive Learning Tools

Provides hands-on experience and deeper information retention.

Educator Community

Leading historians worldwide collaborating for authenticity and accuracy.

AI Academics

LLM customized for each course source materials permits quick recap for students.


Teaching the Past with the Tools of Tomorrow

CodexRomanus embodies the fusion of historical accuracy and leading technology in a fully customized framework tailored by educators. With a foundation rooted in the rich narratives of the past, CodexRomanus is crafting a future in which knowledge transcends time.



All Years








CodexRomanus was founded in July 2022 with the mission to revolutionize the educational landscape by blending immersive historical exploration with cutting-edge blockchain technology.

Pre Seed Funding Round

CodexRomanus successfully completed its pre-seed funding round in July 2022.

First Combat Demo

CodexRomanus released its first combat demo in September 2023.


Frequently Asked Questions

Codex Romanus embodies the fusion of historical grandeur and contemporary insights.

Will there be other ancient civilizations offered in the future?

Yes. CodexRomanus intends to offer many historical environments over time spanning all human civilization through the 20th century. We are also working on similar environments to teach myriad subjects to modernize the educational experience for younger generations.

What is “historical immersion”?

Historical immersion through historically accurate gameplay allows students to virtually experience places and events to better understand the complexities of the time. Imagine a virtual field trip to the past, with hands-on exploration of the ancient world and informative conversations with locals.

How has CodexRomanus ensured historical accuracy?

CodexRomanus is partnering with noted historians around the world as contributors and editors to ensure accuracy. Where conflicting information arises, a course customized AI LLM can offer more than one perspective.

Is CodexRomanus affordable to the school and to students?

Yes. For students, CodexRomanus will undercut the cost of a textbook.

How customizable is the student experience by teachers, professors and history departments?

Professors and history departments will have many options to tailor CodexRomanus to various courses they wish to offer. This will include not only historical information but also tracking completion of progress of assignments and other information.

Why is a digital format necessary to teach history or other subjects?

The vast majority of today’s students play video games and are very comfortable receiving information on the screen vs students in the past. The “gamification” of information is a prime avenue to reach young minds.


Connect with us

We'd love to hear from you. Whether you have questions, feedback, or just want to say hello, reach out to us.


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